Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friday, September 17th

First thing today, we all tore out Lab #58, page 359 out of our Biology Lab book. Then we labeled the book.

Next, we went over upcoming assignments...

-Read 5.1 & 5.2 by 9/20 **IMPORTANT TO READ**
-Finish Lab #58 due 9/21

-UP pgs. 27-28-Invasive Species Wanted Poster due for E.C. on 9/21 or final due date on 9/27
-Oil Spill Project due 9/23
-Unit Test on 9/28

Then we began Lab #58: Learning About Population Density
Objectives: 1. Practice one method of measuring population density
2. Calculate the change in population density of one species

We formed groups of 4-5 people and grabbed a set of popsicle sticks, string and 2 meter sticks. Then we walked outside near the West parking lot. We were to take a one meter by one meter square of grass and divide it into 10 sections or quadrants. In order to do this, we would tie string to a popsicle stick, place the popsicle stick in the grass and stretch string across to make one meter or one side of the square. We continued this until we had four sides and an even square around a patch of grass. Then we counted how many clovers, plantains, and dandelions were in each of the 10 equal quadrants and filled it out in the table below...

Once we were done counting all the weeds in our quadrants we walked back inside and took down each groups total in this chart below...
Mr. Paek then told us that the rest of the lab was due Tuesday 9/21 and that we can skip the computer activity.

Next we continued watching the video called Predators: Lions, from where we left off. Moja, daughter of Malkia, was slowly dieing and flies were eating at her open wounds. If Moja didn't recover soon she would be prey to other animals such as hyenas.

Then Mr. Paek reminded us of our assignments(beginning of post) and we were dismissed.

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