main points of class:
- learning about different graphs
- examples of which graph to use in specific situations
- rip-o-meter lab
- assigned homework
- read textbook 1.1 and take notes in journal for Tuesday (tomorrow)
To learn more about which types of graphs to use, look to page ten, in the Unit Packet. There are five important bullet points which are necessary to create a successful and descriptive graph! First is the title, as Mr. Paek pointed out in class, is so easy to do, most people forget to make one. Don’t let this happen to you, no title= less credit! An example of a good title would be, in relation to the lab we did today, “Strength of Different Leaves.” We covered the other four points (labeling axes, scaling the axes, determining increments, and using a legend or key) which are explained in your Unit Packet. In the middle of the page is a chart explaining where to put your information found on variables. Below that are explanations about different kinds of graphs, line, bar, and pie charts. The line graph is used for showing multiple elements of data found, the bar graph is used for more specificity (i.e. comparing candy bars eaten to age), and the pie chart is used with percentages.
After that, we began the Rip-O-Meter lab. Mr. Paek sent us to the lab stations with our groups and leaves. We were each given a cup, a container of pennies, and a paper clip to pierce the leaf and hang the cup on. We had to decide what to test, and fill out our question and hypothesis statement in our Unit Packets before starting the experiment. For example, in my group, I had brought a bag of leaves that were wet, and another “lab-mate?” had brought some that were dry. Our question was: Are dry leaves stronger than wet leaves? Our hypothesis (need if and then statement) was: If leaves are wet, then they will be stronger than dry leaves. Then we proceeded to hook our first leaf on the paper clip, and put pennies gently in the cup. We did this four times with one wet maple leaf and oak leaf, and one dry maple leaf and oak leaf before Mr. Paek assigned the homework and the bell rang. We are continuing the experiment tomorrow.