Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday 8.27.10

Today's class started off with some notes on biology and experimental design. Mr. Paek then reviewed what units we'll be doing this year in biology (experimental design is the first one). The notes on biology were pretty basic, and the notes on experimental design were all about variables. Independent- what you change, dependent- what you measure, and control- what you keep the same.Then, Mr. Paek explained a random experiment we could use as an example for determining the variables. The experiment was to take 3 of the same markers, put them in different temperatures, then see what effect the temperature has on the markers in the end by taking to caps off and seeing how they write (we didn't actually do this experiment, though). As part of the notes, we read through two experiments as a class and determined the variables. Next, we went over last night's Simpsons Problems, pages 19-21 in the Unit Packet. After that, Mr. Paek demonstrated problem 1 on pg. 3 in the UP, which is: what happens when lentils are dropped into seltzer water? There was a given hypothesis, too: if lentils are dropped into seltzer water, they will float. and as a class we decided to reject this hypothesis because the lentils didn't really float in the seltzer water when Mr. Paek tested it. Next, we did problem 2 which tested what would happen to a potato if iodine was dropped on it, it turned dark brown. And problem 3, which tested what would happen to an eggshell if it was dropped in vinegar, and the eggshell decomposed. Next, we did the milk lab (on pg 5) where you fill up a bowl 2/3 of the way with milk, and add 2 drops of each food coloring into the corners of the bowl filled with milk. After about a minute, the food coloring started to spread out from its corners and create a really cool swirl of colors that filled the whole bowl (i took a picture with my phone, but it wouldn't upload). After that, Mr. Paek explained what we'll be doing next class, which is a lab involving leaves and testing their strength. Then, he gave us the homework which is pages 23, 24, and half of 25 in the UP, and to bring leaves for the lab. And lastly, Mr. Paek put us into lab groups and everyone talked with their group about the lab and whose bringing what until the bell rang, and class was over.

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