Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 30th

Luke Pilliod


Homework: UP pages 29-31

Today, Mr. Paek started off by giving candy to only some of the kids in class? After that he warned us of a potential pop quiz soon??

Then he started off the material of the day with a review on meiosis. Meiosis in simple terms is the creation of haploid cells. In diploid cells, homologous chromosomes duplicate before entering meiosis . The duplication of the homologous chromosomes forms sister chromatids of the original chromosomes, and the whole thing is called a tetrad. In the process of Meiosis I, the homologous chromosomes separate, with each pair of sister chromatids entering its own individual cell. In meiosis II, the sister chromatids separate, forming 4 new cells from the original cell. Here is another important piece of information he told us:

  • 46 chromosomes in a regular cell, 23 in a sex cell

After the review there were some good questions in the class. One of these questions was "What determines a boy or girl?". A boy is determined when the sperm cell from the father has the Y chromosome, and a girl is made when the sperm has the X chromosome. So there is a 50/50 chance a baby will be a boy or girl. What is the Human Genome Project was another question. The Human Genome Project was a scientific mapping and identification of all the genes in the human body. This project has helped people benefit from information on what diseases they might be prone to.

Here are some terms we learned today as well

  • allele- form of a gene represented by a single letter

  • homozygous(Homo means alike or the same; zygous refers to the zygote and its genes)-a homozygote has two like genes for a given trait, AA, BB, zz, dd. The following are not homozygous because they are not alike

  • heterozygous(hetero-different)- a heterozygote has two different gene forms for a given trait

  • traits-hair, skin, eye color, blood types, bone structure, sex, height, shape of nose, eyes, immunity proteins in blood

  • phenotype- the result of a genotype in regards to it's functio or appearance. What a thing looks like

  • genotype-genes that give a phenotype

  • ^Mr. Paek mentioned them and told us they were on page 21 of our UP, along with some more vocabulary

    He further explained phenotypes and genotypes as well. A trait is represented by a letter, like B or b, B is the dominant trait while b is the recessive trait. These are the genotypes of the trait. The phenotype is the physical characteristic of the trait. In the trait hair color, B could represent black hair while b could represent brown hair. At the end of class, Mr. Paek told us of a trait where you either taste the bitterness of a certain type of paper or the paper tastes like regular paper. We all got a piece of the paper and although I did not get the gene for tasting the bitterness, I think most of the class did as I looked around at all the scrunched faces of disgust.

    Next Scriber was josh

    Thursday, November 18, 2010

    November 18th

    Lexie W
    November 18th, 2010

    Agenda: Protein Synthesis Lab
    Homework: Tribune Article (Due Monday)
    Finish Lab Questions (for tomorrow)

    In Mr. Paek’s 4th period class today we did a lab on Protein Synthesis.

    In this activity we:
    - understand the roles of mRNA and tRNA in protein synthesis
    - construct a model of protein synthesis
    It again goes though the DNA bases and their pairings:
    The packet also shows RNA bases and pairings:

    The materials were in the nucleic acid model kit.
    Cytosine (blue)
    Thymine (green)
    Adenine (orange)
    Guanine (yellow)
    Phosphates (white tubes)
    Hydrogen Bonds (white rods)
    Deoxyribose (black pentagon)
    Uracil (purple)
    Ribose sugar (purple pentagon)
    Peptide bonds (grey)
    tRNA grouper
    Amino Acid with R-groups

    The first step we had to do was build a double stranded DNA molecule with:
    T T T C C A T G C as the left hand strand.

    Right strand would be: A A A G G T A G C

    Then we “unzipped” the DNA molecule into the two strands

    Using the left strand of the DNA molecule as the master strand. And we then constructed a matching mRNA strand. (using the ribose and uracil base)
    A A A G G U A C G

    That is the process of transcription.
    The mRNA sequence was the same as the right hand side except for the one Uracil base.

    We then unzipped the mRNA strand from the DNA strand.
    Later, we made three tRNA molecules by taking one of the tRNA molecules and placing three bases on it that matched the first three nucleotides of the mRNA strand. These are the anitcodons.

    Anticodons that were constructed:

    We then attached an amino acid to the correct tRNA molecule by it R-group. We then attached amino acid and this tRNA complex to the codon of mRNA with hydrogen bonds. The amino acids were connected through peptide bonds between them. This is a polypeptide chain.

    THE NEXT SCRIBER IS…………………….
    CONNOR! ☺ revenge is sweet ☺

    i give dambi permission to write whatever she wants here because she is posting this for me :)

    I LOVE LEXIE!!!!!!!!!-dambi

    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    carly, texter 12.3

    Replication- process of copying DNA prior to cell division

    DNA Polymerase- principal enzyme that joins individual nucleotides to produce a new strand of DNA

    Telomeres- repetitive DNA at the end of a eukaryotic chromosome.

    Before a cell divides, it duplicates it DNA during replication, which occurs during late interphase of the cell cycle. This ensures that each resulting cell has the same complete set of DNA molecules. During replication the DNA molecule seperates into two strands and then produces two new complementary strands following the rules of base pairing.

    the two strands of the double helix have separated allowing two replication forks to form. for example if strand that has a base sequence TACGTT, the new strand would be ATGCAA.

    DNA replication is carried out by a series of enzymes that first unzip a molecule if DNA by breaking the hydrogen bonds between base pairs and unwinding the two strands of the molecule. DNA polymerase is an enzyme that joins individual nucleotides to produce a new strand of

    DNA at the tips of chromosomes are difficult to replicate so the yuse a specail enzyme called telomerase, by adding chort, repeated DNA sequences to the telomerase. telomerase help to prevent genes from being damaged.

    DNA replication occurs in the S phase of the cell cycle. Replication in most prokaryotic cells starts from a single point and proceeds in two directions until the entire chromosome is copied.
    DNA replication in eukaryotic cells may begin at dozens or even hundreds of places on the DNA molecule, proceeding in both directions until each chromosome is completely copied.
    prokaryotic DNA
    Eukaryotic DNA

    Tuesday November 16th

    Brett Laurie


    Period 4


    Lately in class we have been learning about DNA and RNA. There is a lot of information on it and can get confusing but once you get it, it clicks. The last couple of classes we have been talking about replication specifically.

    DNA: We learned earlier in the unit that nitrogen base A bonds with T and G bonds with C.







    So this is your strand of DNA. To replicate it, something has to split in half. There is a specific enzyme called polymerase that breaks down the hydrogen bonds and “unzips” the DNA.

    • -T

    T- -A

    C- -G

    C- -G

    G- -C

    T- -A

    The nucleotides floating around bond to the 2 separate strands of DNA.

    A-T A-T

    T-A T-A

    C-G C-G

    C-G C-G

    G-C G-C

    T-A T-A

    So now you have a new DNA molecule.

    RNA: Changing DNA into RNA: Transcription. We learned 2 different things about RNA. Translation and Transcription. Transcription is the actual process of the replication of RNA and Translation is how it makes proteins.










    So you have your DNA molecule and you want to produce RNA. First thing to know is instead of a T in RNA, it is a U. A bonds with U and G bonds with C. So first the enzyme breaks the molecule in half.

    A- -T

    T- -A

    C- -G

    C- -G

    G- -C

    T- -A

    One of the 2 separate strands is already RNA except for the Ts need to be turned into Us.







    That’s your mRNA strand. mRNA are messengers that can fit through the nucleus wall openings and get a message to the ribosome’s to make proteins. That other strand of DNA gets new nucleotides to bond with it.








    The mRNA goes and docks on top of a ribosome.


    Amino Acids, which produce the proteins in the ribosome, get hooked by an anticodon. A codon is 3 letters in a sequence of RNA and an anticodon are nucleotides that match up to a sequence when it is doced on a ribosome and they carry amino acids. So say UAG hooked an AA(amino Acid). The UAG would hook up with the first codon because these letters correspond. The AA is put into the ribosome but you need 2 AA to make protein. So GCA takes an AA and docks on the second codon and drops the AA in to make proteins. Once the process is finished, the anticodons go back to work.



    AA AA

    That is all we learned. The homework is 13.1 &13.2 notes and the Tribune Project. The notes are due Wedensday 17 and the tribune project is due Monday 22.


    by the way- dambi is so cool for helping me upload this post onto moodle. she is the best!

    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    12.2 The Structure of DNA

    12.2 The Structure of DNA
    The Components of DNA
    • DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is a nucleic acid made up of a nucleotide joined into a long strand or chain by covalent bonds
    Nucleic Acids and Nucleotide
    • Nucleic acids are made up of smaller subunits, linked together to from long chains
    • Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acid.
    Nitrogenous Bases and Covalent Bonds
    • Nitrogen bases are simply bases that contain nitrogen.
    • 4 types of nitrogen -Adenine (A) -Guanine (G) -Cytosine (C) -Thymine (T)
    • The nucleotides can be joined together in many order meaning that any sequence of bases is possible
    Solving the Structure of DNA

    Chargaff's Rule
    • Erwin Chargaff, an Austrian American biochemist, discovered that the percentage of adenine (A) and thymine (T) bases are almost equal in any sample of DNA. Same with guanine (G) and cytosine (C).
    • (A)=(T) and (G)=(C) "Chargraff's Rule"
    Franklin's X-Rays
    • British scientist, Rosalind Franklin, used x-ray diffraction to get information about structure of DNA molecules.
    • X-shaped pattern shows that the strand in DNA are twisted around each other like coils of a spring, a shape known as helix

    X-ray of DNA Diffraction

    The Work of Watson and Crick
    • James Watson, American biologist, and Francis Crick, a British physicist, were also trying to understand the structure of DNA.
    • Using Franklin's x-ray pattern, it allowed Watson and Crick to build a model that explained the specific structure and properties of DNA.
    • Their model of DNA was a double-helix in which 2 strands of nucleotide sequences were wound around each other.
    The Double-Helix Model
    • Double-helix model explains Chargaff's rule of base pairing and how 2 strands of DNA are held together.
    Antiparallel Strands
    • 2 strands of DNA running in opposite directions.
    • Allows the nitrogenous bases on both strands to come in contact at the center of the molecule and allows each strand of the double helix to carry a sequence of nucleotides.
    Hydrogen Bonding

    • Watson and Crick also discovered that hydrogen bonds could form between certain nitrogenous bases (provided enough force to hold 2 strands together)
    • Hydrogen bonds are relatively weak chemical forces
    Base Pairing
    • Base pairing- nearly perfect fit between (A)-(T) and (G)-(C)
    • Watson and Crick's model showed that hydrogen bonds could create a nearly perfect fit between nitrogenous bases along center of molecule.
    • Their model explained Chargaff's observations.

    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    el 10 de noviembre 2010 -ScribePost (Tristan)

    yeah.. First half of class today was discussing grade reports of quarter 2 of this semester, which covered over the Unit 3 Exams (all of which Mr. P managed to grade!) and any other included grade factors such as the Postcard Project that was turned in yesterday. Today we were also assigned the Tribune Article Project, due on 11/23/10.

    After this talk of grading, we moved on to a presentation on Genetics and DNA. It was explained how DNA can be utilized to find the genetic characterstics of living things, and with this comes some issues of knowing about specific diseases existant in one's body without them knowing, and some matters over the use of it in Forensics and tracing DNA back to find information, ect. There also comes some major debate over humans' "messing around" with the natural way of genetics by the means of cloning and genetically breeding living things, especially when it comes to crops and livestock in the food we eat, and even other humans.

    In Memory of Dolly (1996-2003)

    Now, just make sure to keep in mind that all the information below is what was presented in class and I recorded into the packet we were all given to contain these notes (STS Biology - Genetics I - Student Notes). Also be sure to check out the Texter for stuff.

    In 1953, American and English molecular biologists James Watson and Francis Crick researched into discovering that the structure of DNA resembled a helix/spiral/ladder-like strand that has come to resemble this form we are all familiar with today:

    DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic Acid, has 3 significant structural components:

    1. Deoxyribose - 5 Carbon sugar

    2. Phosphate Groups - PO4

    3. Nitrogen Gasses - Connected by hydrogen bonds

    • Nucleotide - Sugar, Phosphate, and base as one unit
    • Polymer - Multiple units
    • Double Helix - 2 strands connected by hydrogen bond

    Going deeper into the DNA structure, and its nitrogen bases:

    • Purines - Adenine (A), Guanine (G)
    • Pyrimidines - Thymine (T), Cytosine (C)

    Well then, this was all that was covered in the first page of these notes in-class, and we will continue to get this down in the next few days. Remember, pages 7-8 in the UP must be filled out, and it can help you comprehend this.

    Again, sorry but I don't know you guys well enough to put down a next scriber, so it will be announced. Our next class is actually Friday, but hey, come to school tomorrow morning anyway. You're just that cool... Have good Veteran's Day, and bless our servicemen and women!

    Sunday, November 7, 2010

    continuation of Janna's scribe

    The top left section of the container is mold. Mr. P said you could tell because mold is white and cloudy, unlike bacteria. The bottom right section is our constant, the white something is just a reflection.

    Wednesday, November 3, 2010

    10/18/10 scribepost

    Today in Biology, we took notes while Mr. Paek lectured and reviewed for the test that we will be having on wednesday. The test on Wednesday will be covering all of unit 3- which is the cell theory and cancer.

    Osmosis- high concentration to low water moves through a selectively permeable membrane to balance out the concentration.

    Diffusion- particles going from a high concentration to a low concentration until they reach equilibrium

    • Cells have contact inhibition, they will continue growing until they come into contact with other cells


    - uncontrolled growth of cells
    -changes in DNA can lead to unrestrained cell reproduction
    -cells produce a growth and never stop dividing
    --cells do not produce a suppressor protein and it never stops dividing

    Shape of cells Anchorage Dependent Contact Dependent
    Normal Flattened Yes Yes
    Cell monolayer

    Cancer Rounded No No
    Cell globular

    Tumors- 2 types

    1)Benign - slow growing, noninvasive, no metastatic (jumping around the body)

    2)Malignant - rapid growth invasive, metastatic

    At the end of class Mr. Peak handed out a review sheet that will be due on wednesday. You can
    also do the unit 3 cell theory objectives that are on the first page of the unit packet to study and to get extra credit. And make sure to remember that we meet in the Lyceum tomorrow because we are having a bio day.

    Sts Bio p 4 10.14.10


    - Go over this weekends home work

    and important due dates and assignments

    - Go over yesterday’s lab

    - Assign Scriber =[

    -Lab ( follow up from previous cell lab)


    - Lab questions, UP-49-51

    - Cancer research due 10/25

    -UP page 1-3 review TEST IS WED! STUDY!

    DON'T DO 10-15 on review

    - ( Notes on Defusion Osmosis will be given on Monday 10/18)


    As class started, we discussed homework, and Thursday's lab if you missed that you can look over Fox’s wonderful scribe. We were told that in the Review for the test Wed. we should do page 1 of the UP and we will not have to do #10-15. Notes on defusion osmosis will be given on Monday 10/18. Cancer research project due on 10/25 ( on whatever cancer you chose)

    After we went over the bulk of homework, we were introduced to a follow up cell lab. which was an exciting part of a Friday:) this lab is a very helpful lab to understanding the life cycle of a cell in reproduction. This lab really helps in study which helps you understand which phase is critical for a cell to go through and what changes take place and most importantly HOW LONG DO THE CELLS STAY IN A PHASE.


    In this lab we:

    -use onion root tip cells to locate cells in Mitosis and Interphase

    - count number of cells in Mitosis and Interphase

    -find lenght of time ( in minutes) needed to complete each phase

    -compare data of time needed to complete each phase with those of normal cells, to abnormal cancerous cells

    Matrials used:

    - microscope

    - prepared onion root tip slide

    - UP pages 48-51 to record data


    Part 1

    1-Focus slide under microscope.

    2- under low power first view cells in mitosis then high power

    3-count and record number of cells in each miotic phase ( prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase) and interphase

    4- move the slide to view new area

    count and record data of number cells in each phase

    5- repeat in third new area

    6-total the number of cells counted in each phase

    7- find the sum of in total of cells observed and counted in all in this lab

    Part 2 - determining th time required for phase

    1- number of cells in a phase is an indication of the time spent in that phase in miosis

    time spent ininterpahse and miosis can be calculated if total timeof miosis is known. fro an onion root it is 720 minutes (12 hrs)

    - formula to use : { time for a phase= # of cells in a phase / (divided) total # of cells in total x 720 mins.

    Ex. if you have 109 in metaphase and 980 cells in total the 109/980 x 720 = 80mins.

    ^ the onion root cells basically looked similar to this and you had to identify whih phase the were in.

    After you finish taking data :

    answer the analysis questions

    and compare cancer cell to the normal cells

    these all can be found in UP 48-51

    That is basically how class ended with finishing the lab. so study , and finish lab, and review in UP=]

    I dont know who “ Destiny” choses ... i dont think there is anyone left .....=]


    - Go over this weekends home work

    and important due dates and assignments

    - Go over yesterday’s lab

    - Assign Scriber =[

    -Lab ( follow up from previous cell lab)


    - Lab questions, UP-49-51

    - Cancer research due 10/25

    -UP page 1-3 review TEST IS WED! STUDY!

    DON'T DO 10-15 on review

    - ( Notes on Defusion Osmosis will be given on Monday 10/18)


    As class started, we discussed homework, and Thursday's lab if you missed that you can look over Fox’s wonderful scribe. We were told that in the Review for the test Wed. we should do page 1 of the UP and we will not have to do #10-15. Notes on defusion osmosis will be given on Monday 10/18. Cancer research project due on 10/25 ( on whatever cancer you chose)

    After we went over the bulk of homework, we were introduced to a follow up cell lab. which was an exciting part of a Friday:) this lab is a very helpful lab to understanding the life cycle of a cell in reproduction. This lab really helps in study which helps you understand which phase is critical for a cell to go through and what changes take place and most importantly HOW LONG DO THE CELLS STAY IN A PHASE.


    In this lab we:

    -use onion root tip cells to locate cells in Mitosis and Interphase

    - count number of cells in Mitosis and Interphase

    -find lenght of time ( in minutes) needed to complete each phase

    -compare data of time needed to complete each phase with those of normal cells, to abnormal cancerous cells

    Matrials used:

    - microscope

    - prepared onion root tip slide

    - UP pages 48-51 to record data


    Part 1

    1-Focus slide under microscope.

    2- under low power first view cells in mitosis then high power

    3-count and record number of cells in each miotic phase ( prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase) and interphase

    4- move the slide to view new area

    count and record data of number cells in each phase

    5- repeat in third new area

    6-total the number of cells counted in each phase

    7- find the sum of in total of cells observed and counted in all in this lab

    Part 2 - determining th time required for phase

    1- number of cells in a phase is an indication of the time spent in that phase in miosis

    time spent ininterpahse and miosis can be calculated if total timeof miosis is known. fro an onion root it is 720 minutes (12 hrs)

    - formula to use : { time for a phase= # of cells in a phase / (divided) total # of cells in total x 720 mins.

    Ex. if you have 109 in metaphase and 980 cells in total the 109/980 x 720 = 80mins.

    ^ the onion root cells basically looked similar to this and you had to identify whih phase the were in.

    After you finish taking data :

    answer the analysis questions

    and compare cancer cell to the normal cells

    these all can be found in UP 48-51

    That is basically how class ended with finishing the lab. so study , and finish lab, and review in UP=]

    I dont know who “ Destiny” choses ... i dont think there is anyone left .....=]

    Sts Bio p 4 10.14.10


    - Go over this weekends home work

    and important due dates and assignments

    - Go over yesterday’s lab

    - Assign Scriber =[

    -Lab ( follow up from previous cell lab)


    - Lab questions, UP-49-51

    - Cancer research due 10/25

    -UP page 1-3 review TEST IS WED! STUDY!

    DON'T DO 10-15 on review

    - ( Notes on Defusion Osmosis will be given on Monday 10/18)


    As class started, we discussed homework, and Thursday's lab if you missed that you can look over Fox’s wonderful scribe. We were told that in the Review for the test Wed. we should do page 1 of the UP and we will not have to do #10-15. Notes on defusion osmosis will be given on Monday 10/18. Cancer research project due on 10/25 ( on whatever cancer you chose)

    After we went over the bulk of homework, we were introduced to a follow up cell lab. which was an exciting part of a Friday:) this lab is a very helpful lab to understanding the life cycle of a cell in reproduction. This lab really helps in study which helps you understand which phase is critical for a cell to go through and what changes take place and most importantly HOW LONG DO THE CELLS STAY IN A PHASE.


    In this lab we:

    -use onion root tip cells to locate cells in Mitosis and Interphase

    - count number of cells in Mitosis and Interphase

    -find lenght of time ( in minutes) needed to complete each phase

    -compare data of time needed to complete each phase with those of normal cells, to abnormal cancerous cells

    Matrials used:

    - microscope

    - prepared onion root tip slide

    - UP pages 48-51 to record data


    Part 1

    1-Focus slide under microscope.

    2- under low power first view cells in mitosis then high power

    3-count and record number of cells in each miotic phase ( prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase) and interphase

    4- move the slide to view new area

    count and record data of number cells in each phase

    5- repeat in third new area

    6-total the number of cells counted in each phase

    7- find the sum of in total of cells observed and counted in all in this lab

    Part 2 - determining th time required for phase

    1- number of cells in a phase is an indication of the time spent in that phase in miosis

    time spent ininterpahse and miosis can be calculated if total timeof miosis is known. fro an onion root it is 720 minutes (12 hrs)

    - formula to use : { time for a phase= # of cells in a phase / (divided) total # of cells in total x 720 mins.

    Ex. if you have 109 in metaphase and 980 cells in total the 109/980 x 720 = 80mins.

    ^ the onion root cells basically looked similar to this and you had to identify whih phase the were in.

    After you finish taking data :

    answer the analysis questions

    and compare cancer cell to the normal cells

    these all can be found in UP 48-51

    That is basically how class ended with finishing the lab. so study , and finish lab, and review in UP=]

    I dont know who “ Destiny” choses ... i dont think there is anyone left .....=]

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Texter on Section 35.2 by Richard (final)

    An example of mucus, a non specific defense of the body against pathogens

    Non- Specific Defenses are the body's first defense against pathogens. Some examples of these are the skin, tears and other secrations, inflammatory responses, interferons, and fever.

    Skin, saliva, mucus, and stomach secretions are part of the first line of defense.

    The second line of defense includes inflammatory responses 9where infected ares become red and painful), histamines (increase the flow of fluids such as blood to the infected area), interferons (proteins that inhibit synthesis of viral proteins), and fever (a releasing of chemicals that increases body temperatures).

    The immune systems specific defenses kill anything foreign that enters the body.

    When a specific defense recognizes, attacks, and "remembers" a foreign substance, that process is called immune response.

    An antigen is a substance that triggers an immune response.

    Antibodies tag antigens for destruction by immune cells.

    The main cells of immune responses are b lymphocytes and T lymphocytes.

    A specific immune response has two ways of carrying out its duty: humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity.

    Humoral Immunity is activated when a few B cells bind to antigens on the surface of pathogens.

    Plasma Cells produce antibodies that are carried through the blood stream.

    Memory B cells recognize pathogens and will produce new plasma cells to counter the pathogen should it ever return.

    Cell-Mediated Immunity defends the body against viruses, fungi, and single celled pathogens.


    Scribe post for 11/2/10 by Junsup Lee

    First we got our quizes back.
    Mr. Paek collected lab 12-18 which was due today
    We went over many disease today.

    • Our disease for today was Influenza. This is a picture of influenza virus

    Influenza is a virus. It is transmitted by casual contack, saliva, mucus and prevented by vaccines.
    40000 people dies in US a year.

    Spreads through air , person to person
    Infects lungs, brain, kidney and spine.
    Its treated by anobiotic.
    It is treated by GCG vaccine, washing hand2 Billions are thought to be infected with TB. 1.7 million death a year.
    • Next we went over UP 19 Debi's StoryShe was infected by Tuberculousis bacteria. The symptoms were coughing, exausted, lost weights. Doctor told her to don't go to school. Medication =anobiotic ( kills bacteria )


    • UP 22-25
    • Read section 35.2 and 1st page of 35.
    • post card due 11/8/10
    • Test 11/9/10

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Scribe 11/1/10

    HEY first of all, did anyone notice that today's date is actually a math problem???
    Are you ready for this? wow, this sounds really nerdy that I noticed this. 11-1=10. Alright, I'm going to stop before I really embarrass myself.

    HOMEWORK: Pgs 12-18 in the UP for tomorrow on the lab, take notes (try and use the "tree chart")on Chapter 35.2 in the textbook for tomorrow, and pg 2-3 explains the postcard project due Monday, November 8th.

    To start off the class, Mr. P had to pick one scriber out of the WAVES of volunteers. And yes, I was the lucky one. We were sent off into our lab groups after this major descision. We saw the results of our bacteria lab from Friday, which were a little icky. I took a picture with my phone, but it's not uploading to blogger, my apologies. Then we answered the majority of the questions in the UP. After about half the period, we came back to our desks and watched Bill Nye until Bio ended.

    P.S. The next scriber is.... JUNSUP.