Homework: read 16.2 and only take notes on 16.3 due Thurs.
& complete graph for Beak lab due Thurs.
Announcements: Tv ad project groups no more than 4 in a group and this will be due sometimenext unit. this lab can be found on page 2 in your unit packet
Also, from now all assignments and homework will be posted on moodle, be sure to look on the google calender on STS Bio home page
Recap from 1.25.11
~ Today Mr.Paek discussed new semester requirements, and calenders where to look up homework besides the scribe posts, we also began our new unit of Evolution, we recieved our new unit packets and assignment sheets. we went over a "long-term" project the info-mercial or tv ad about Endangered Species.
Then we took notes and discussed the impelling and dubious topic of Lamark's theory in distinction to Darwin's theory. that took up most of class in the remaining 10 minutes we watched a video about Darwins discoveries and destinations.
Lamark's Theory:
Desire to change- animals changed in structure b/c they have a desire to improve
(example used: suppose if there was a short neck girraffe and it could not reach the leaves its desire would want to have a longer neck, which in the next generation the necks would be longer)
Use And Disuse: use it or lose it- if a body part or structure is not being used it would be lost or disappear in later generations.
Acquired characteristics were inherited- any changes in adult were passed on to the offspring ( example: if a parent is good at puzzles, child will automatically be adequate to puzzles.) ( another example: Mr.Paek explained if he got his son to bulk up have muscles then b/c of Lamarks theory then Mr.Paeks grandchild would have characteristics of bulked up muscles)
Darwin's Theory:
Overproduction of offspring- organisms tend to produce more offspring then needed to replace # of past generation population
Struggle for Existence- competiton for predatation, and resources always present
Variations in Population Exist- difference in structureexist at birth not acquired
- these traits are inheireted from parents
Fitness- physical traits and behaviors to survive and reproduce
Common Descent- different species share common ancestors
Natural Selection:
Definition: organisms best suited for their enviroment conditions to survive, and reproduce they will pass on their characteristics to their offspring "survial for the fittest-not necessairly the strongest or fastest"
Conditions that help - mutation - source of variation in genes
Gene flow- genes move between population
Adaptions- traits that survive from one generation to the next
Examples- peppered moth durin industrial revolution in england, two phentoypes for moths black/speckled, when the bark of the trees got discolored the population changed mostly speckled to black . ( we were shown visuals in class)
Today in class we did a lab which took pretty much the whole class period. this lab was about natural selection and adaptation.
we were put into groups and were to move around the room to 5 station where there different types of meals for birds.
we were given for "beaks" forceps,pliers,spoon, and staple remover these were to repersent the different sorts of beaks and how they adapt to the enviroment they are in and the food that is available.
At the five stations each had either rice, staples, rubber bands, foam, or sunflower seeds. our job was to pick out as many of the foods as we can with the "beaks" we were given this was to show which beak adapts well and will be the fittest in these enviroment and which won't. then we had to record our data and graph, and fil out analysis questions this lab is available on pages 4-8. Dont forget if you were unable to complete your graph in class it is homework.
really dont know who to pick for scriber, because I don't want to be unfair so who ever volenteers can be scriber. =]
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