Wednesday, February 9, 2011

02/9/11 (Wednesday, February 9th)

-Announcements: BIO DAY TOMORROW! (in the auditorium, apparently its a great movie.)
-Homework: Study for Unit 7: Evolution Test.

Today in class we took very brief notes on the dates and timelines of how animals branched off of each other to become different species.

We also took notes on how researchers can tell how long an animal has been dead by how long its been in the ground and which of the two animals ages are approximately.
Mr. Paek also went over the Quiz as a review for the test.

We also did a brief lab today.

-Lab Explanation:
To measure the variations of the same species of grasshoppers for the length of there legs.
lab can be found on page 233. The title is "Variation in Grasshopper Legs"

Use a metric ruler to measure one femur on each grasshopper.(look at figure 1 to locate the exact spot of where to measure.) Use the same points on each femur you measure. The measurements should be accurate to the nearest 0.1 cm.

Point of the Lab:
The point of the lab was to show how even though animals are the same species they can come in different sizes, in this case, for grasshoppers it was the femur.

-Side Notes:
-Bio Day Tomorrow.
-TEST FRIDAY!(study)

Danny your the next scriber.

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