2.4.11 by Jessie V.
*unit packet pages 33-36
*19.2 just reading due Tuesday
Extra Credit:
*bring M and Ms Monday
*objectives due on day of test
*unit packet pages 25-26
Due to 2 snow days, biology was mostly notes. We took notes in the packet called To Be Or Not To Be Evolution. Here is what we learned
A. Atmospheric condition
1. Gases-Large% carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2), water vapor (notice no oxygen).
2. Miller-Urey Experiment-synthesized(made) complex organic molecules by mixing and electrically stimulating a mixture of gases.
-amino acids produced.
skip number 3 and move onto part B.
B. The First Cells-
4.6bya-Earth was born.
4.0bya-earth began to cool.
(skip all the way down to 1.5bya).
1.5bya-eukaryotic cells, sexual reproduction, increased genetic diversity.
1.3bya-multicellular organisms.
skip and move down to part C.
C. Age of Earth
a. Formation of Earth-4.5 billion years ago
b. Relative Dating(UP23)-Fossil layers
That was it for part I. We then moved to part IV.IV. TYPES OF MACROEVOULUTION
1.Gradualism-one species gruadually changes into a new species.
2.Divergent Evoulution or Speciation:
a. Definition-the development of 2 or more species from a common ancestral species.
Adaptive Radiation-a habitat opens up that permits many new niche to be occupied allowing many variations to survive.
b.Process that need to occur:
Geographical Isolation-members of a species is separated from others due to physical barriers.
Reproductive Isolation- species are separated by the ability to reproduce.
3. Punctuated Equilibrium-
tempo of speciation: graudual vs. rapid. helped explain the non-gradual appearance of species in the fossil record.
(No examples)
4. Convergent Evolution:
a.Definitions- when 2 sperarte species develop similar adaptation (phenotypes) through differnet evolutionary trees.
b.examples-Sharks and Dolphins.
After we finished taking notes we then had time to work on the homework which was the UP pages 33-36 (like what it says up under homework).
the next person is Fox!!!!
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